Saturday, March 6, 2010

Meeting of Old and New Friends at Hindu Wedding

Meeting of Old and New Friends at Hindu Wedding

It is all peaceful and enjoyable at a Hindu wedding. It is the occasion when one meets old relatives and friends after long time, embracing and shaking hands to greet each other. Many of them travel long distances to be in the celebrations. Different families say hello and introduce themselves to each other. Like any other get together, Hindu wedding is the occasion where new alliances are formed to make new friendships, relationships, business partnerships, etc. There are handsome unmarried young men and beautiful ladies with their parents. Telephone numbers are exchanged and further negotiations take the shape of permanent relationships. Have a pen and piece of paper ready to exchange contact numbers when attending a Hindu wedding. Visit Laj Marriage Bureau straight away to find the partners of their dreams.

Family members and friends, distant and near ones, who have drifted away because of misunderstandings or self created disputes, come and attend the wedding to renew their love, relationship and friendship. They get this rare chance to travel for unity meetings because of the wedding cards received by them. Misunderstandings are ironed out and cooperation starts flowing again for the well being of each other. In the gathering, they may talk of ApnaMatch and then go onto search for dates to find friends or life partners.

Photos and DVD's to Cherish Memories of This Great Day of Hindu Wedding

Hindu Wedding, uniting two souls as a couple for the rest of their lives, comes once in a life time. People now record on DVDs various ceremonies of the wedding, the main stars being the bride and groom with all the relatives, friends and other known people as co-stars. Years go by unnoticed, and these photos and DVDs will remind the couple of their young faces when they were married. These will also be seen by their children and grandchildren, who will admire the youthfulness, handsomeness and beauty their parents and grandparents had when they were young.

Meeting of Old and New Friends at Hindu Wedding: Related Reading

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Honour and Pride in Attending a Hindu Wedding

Honour and Pride in Attending a Hindu Wedding

The Whole Sum Added with One is the Indian Customary Cash Gift

People with different cultural backgrounds feel honoured when they are invited to attend a Hindu Wedding. One finds an ocean full of love and affection all around on this auspicious occasion. Family friends come with presents for the marrying couple. Those who come without a present give money for them to buy something of their liking. In times gone by when one rupee had its value in India, and one pound or dollar in the western world, people would usually give cash in the dominations of one, eleven, twenty one, thirty one or going upwards to even hundred one and so on. Whole number with added one is the Hindu custom all around the world coming from generations. This money is usually accepted with a bit of hesitation, but some hosts keep one and return the big rest, a mark of love towards the contributors who have come to attend and grace the wedding. Money is not that much important as their gracious presence enhances the gathering at Hindu wedding. Search for an Indian partner and have a Hindu Wedding by doing a dating registration to witness various ceremonies.

Hindu Customs Welcome and Liked by Western People

Hindu Wedding ceremonies have a lot to offer to those who are attending them for the first time. It is an ocean of family members, relatives and friends who gather at this once in life time function where two souls are united as life-partners. Many western white people arrive with Indian dresses on, ladies wearing sarees with bindi on the forehead. Hindu religion stands for peace and love, and you must have seen the Presidents, Prime Ministers and their wives wearing Hindu dresses at various welcome functions arranged in their honour in India. There are large number of people with whom you can do Indian dating for friendship or marriage.

Honour and Pride in Attending a Hindu Wedding: Related Reading

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Indian Culture Different from Western Culture

Indian Culture Different from Western Culture

Indian Culture Means a United Family

Indian culture differs from western culture in many ways. Indian culture means a united family where children, when grown up, look after their parents. They consider it their responsibility to take care of their parents and live together. In majority of cases, married children live with the family, to form a bigger and combined family. This system hardly exists in western culture. Their customs, dress code, language, eating and drinking habits, etc. are all at odds with Indian practices. Log onto ApnaMatch to find partners of mixed cultures for marriage.

Indian Culture Means a United Family

In western culture, mostly old parents live on their own, because their grown up and married children usually live away from them. Many of them start living separately locally or in different cities even before their weddings. When too old and infirm to look after themselves, the parents go to live till their death in old people's homes where they are looked after by the management running those care homes. Care and love are lacking in such arrangements. These old people, when they were young, have done the same with their old parents, having lived away from them. This system is passed on from one generation to the other. But this is not to be found in Indian way of life. Religions in India teach us that we are made to look after our family members and then parents when they become old and infirm. This process goes on and on, which is full of love and affection. Start your dating registration to be looked after well at your old age by your children.

Indian Culture Different from Western Culture: Related Reading

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Multicultural Weddings on the Rise in Western Countries

Multicultural Weddings on the Rise in Western Countries

The Growing Popularity of Multicultural Wedding

Multicultural weddings are quite popular throughout the world, especially in western countries where white people are seeking Indian brides and grooms in large numbers. They rightly maintain the view that marriages with Indians are more successful than those amongst their own people. Indian brides and grooms give more respect to their white counterparts who, on their part, respect Indian culture. White people know that marriages with Indians are more successful and longer lasting. Many of them learn and start speaking Indian languages. They celebrate Indian festivals and visit temples along with their Indian life-partners. Some western people are learning Hindi and Sanskrit in universities and can speak them fluently. There may be differences in Indian and the Western cultures but some people of Indian origin still welcome marrying white people from the western world. But such numbers are few to come across. You can start your own Indian matrimonial registration to get a partner for multicultural wedding.

Some People Take Pride in Multicultural Marriages

There are people who do not care about society and others, and will marry someone from the western world if they like and love each other. It is their life and they will decide what is good for them. There have been very well known people in India who are married with partners from the western countries and are having very successful lives and are ever contended. Do a dating search online where you will find lots of members who are seeking multicultural marriages.

Multicultural Weddings on the Rise in Western Countries: Related Reading

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Inter-Caste Weddings on the Increase with Changing Times

Inter-Caste Weddings on the Increase with Changing Times

Changing Times have Brought about Inter-caste Hindu Weddings

Many families are now allowing inter-caste marriages for their children to take place as they are coming out of the restricted boundaries of caste system established centuries ago. Higher education and advanced economic conditions have given more say to the youngsters in deciding their partners. Some people never bother about these restricted and old fashioned caste customs coming down from times immemorial. All they want is that the partners should be of matching qualities and like each other. In case of love marriages, mostly with the knowledge and eventual permission of parents, the question of restrictions does not arise. Such marriages turn out to be very successful, happy and ever lasting. Visit ApnaMatch where you can find suitors of various castes who will like to meet you for dating and friendship leading to marriage. Inter caste marriages are quite popular in big cities, but still not favoured in small towns and villages. However, marriages in the clan, i.e. same family name or from same ancestors are not allowed. A marriage within the father's or mother's family is considered not conducive to good health.

Some Families Still Restricted to Own Caste Weddings

Majority of families in Indian villages and towns look for their own religion and caste for weddings. Inter caste weddings are unknown to them or they do not want to go that path. In big cities, people are quite liberal as what they look for is the compatibility, well settled family, acceptance of each other by both the meeting suitors, etc. But caste restricted weddings may have their own drawbacks as there may be less choice to choose a compatible partner. Their views and personalities may clash as the two have been teamed up as husband and wife because that was the only available option in the caste system. You may start an Indian matrimonial registration to have a compatible partner.

Caste System shall eventually be broken by Next Generations

People are gradually coming out of this bondage with the advancement of education and economic conditions. Whether it is same caste or different caste, intelligent people recognise that we are all human beings of Mother India and have made these artificial caste borders ourselves for the benefit of no one. What happens when a couple of same caste have conflicting opinions, are always arguing over petty things, and may even try to harm each other. Then there are the neighbours where two people of different castes are living and enjoying their married life as true partners. They have lot to offer each other as they have all the ingredients that go to make a perfect married couple. Before their wedding, these companions of different castes discussed various topics in details, made sure the other person is on the right waveband, and weighed each others' views, which turned out to be matching. Education, job status, family background and other matters of importance were all excellent. The future of the caste system will eventually be broken down by the next generations. People want happiness and equality after marriage rather than domination and division, which create inferiority and superiority amongst the masses. As a true believer in equality and respect for others, have a caste free and compatible member at ApnaMatch for friendship or marriage.

Inter-Caste Weddings on the Increase with Changing Times: Related reading

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Registration of Marriage an Important Document

Registration of Marriage an Important Document

Registration Gives Official and Legal Seal of Marriage

Registration of Marriage has become very important as it the official seal confirming that the two have been married as husband and wife. It is the civil ceremony that the couples of various religions go to a registrar's office to register their marriages. Parents from both sides usually accompany the couple at the time of registration of marriage, which can be before or after the religious ceremony as prevalent in western countries. Religious ceremonies are not recognised by British law. The registration certificate gives official and legal recognition that the two have been married. Indian couples mostly register their marriages in Registrar's office after having found their partners from Laj Marriage Bureau.

Registration Alone Can be Simple and Quick Way to Get Married

In certain cases, only the couple with witnesses go to the registrar's office for the registration of marriage. For lonely people madly in love and who have agreed to get married, it may be the registration of wedding only that counts to them to become husband and wife. They may not go through any of the religious ceremonies or formalities. However, some may like to choose to go to a temple or church afterwards and ask the priest to bless them as a couple. In such cases, it is a very simple and quick way of performing a wedding. This quick and cheap process is prevalent in all the religions in the western world. But such weddings do not carry any love of parents, relatives or people around. There are thousands of lonely graduates living and working away from parents who may like to meet and choose opposite partners and then inform their parents for their blessings. Visit ApnaMatch and make friendships leading to permanent relationship.

Registration of Marriage certificate is a very important document which one will need at various occasions in future. It is an identity document, like a passport, which tells your name, date of birth, address, nationality etc., and above all, that you are married. Registration of Marriage certificate should be kept with care.

Some People Ignorant of Registering the Marriages

Many couples, especially in small towns and villages in India, are unaware and ignorant of the process of registering a wedding. They do not know its importance. Millions of families never register the weddings of their children. For them, it is the religious ceremony that matters. They think everyone in the locality knows the young ones have been married. But in time of need in the far future, it may be needed when seeking a higher employment or whatever reason. You can do your own dating registration for marriage and remember to always go to Registrars office to have a marriage certificate.

Registration of Marriage an Important Document: Related reading

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cooperation, Mutual Respect, Combined or Separate Family

Cooperation, Mutual Respect, Combined or Separate Family

Cooperation and Mutual Respect Stay Alive For Ever

Hindu Wedding signifies true beauty for the joys of life, where husband and wife will be cooperating with each other to gain prosperity and high achievements in life. After the Hindu wedding, for the man there should not be another woman, and for the woman, no other man. Sacred vows are for a life long union, sharing the joys and sorrows, accomplishments and failures of life, and to share the common goals and reach them together. Hindu wedding signifies a union not only of a bride and groom, but also of the two families. Find true love and beauty in Hindu wedding with a lady of matching qualities from completing a dating registration where there is a big list of professional and business ladies.

Indian Wife Looks after Kitchen, Her Children and Husband Too

Ladies looking after the home and children are proud of keeping their homes tidy and always giving right advice and teaching good lessons to their children to become good citizens in their later lives. She is usually a good cook and makes fresh food two or may be three to four times a day, preparing different dishes for children when they are back from school and the husband who arrives a bit late from work, tired and exhausted. Even if he is not tired as he had an easy day at work, he will pretend he is tired to seek more attention from his wife. Children aside, she is now more with him, trying to make him comfortable and happy. The attention ladies give to their husbands cannot be matched by them in time of their wives falling sick. She is a guiding force for his success. Have Indian dishes freshly made and do a dating search online now.

More Benefits than Drawbacks from a Combined Family

Some people believe in a combined or bigger family, where parents and married sons with their families live together. Daughters after marriage are destined to live with their husbands and in-laws, who may decide in due course of time whether to live as a separate family or in a combined family. There are benefits and drawbacks in both cases. Married men usually like to live in a combined family soon after their weddings. They may live permanently with parents while some of them will wait till they can make their own living arrangements. There is always a sense of unity found in Hindu culture. Married children have great respect for their parents and elders. People seeking partners visit Laj Marriage Bureau.

Cooperation, Mutual Respect, Combined or Separate Family: Related reading

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wife a Guiding Force for Husband's Success

Wife a Guiding Force for Husband's Success

Responsibilities of Wife and Husband after Hindu Wedding

While a wife has needs for tenderness, affection and security from her husband, she is expected to be a full partner, have deep respect for him, complement in his efforts in establishing a home and it calls for demonstrating talents as a cook, decorator, mother, teacher and much more. A husband should be a good provider for his family. It is his responsibility to provide the material necessities of life for the family, though in present age, the wife is also a good earner. She even may be more qualified and holding a better job than her husband, thus becoming a guiding force for his success and happiness. She is an equal partner legally and morally in all respects. Find qualified partners for dating, friendship or marriage by doing a dating search.

Indian Wife Takes Pride in Her Husband's Success

A wife will always pray for the success of her husband in his job, business, political career or any other good profession he is involved in. She feels proud to be the wife of a successful man. In his time of his failure, she is more hurt that her husband. She stands by his side, supports him and tries her best to put him in the path of success again.

Ladies take pride in describing success stories of their husbands when discussing some topics of mutual importance. 'No, it can't be so. My husband earns more money than your husband, and has got a better job too.' They will try to hide their shortcomings if pointed out by other ladies. In hot arguments, they have to be separated by other ladies present there.

Man's Success Makes Family Proud in Society

A family's success depends upon how successful the man is. Ladies always pray for this. But too much appreciation of him without any backing becomes a joke. 'My husband has a share in the London airport building,' tells one lady while in India on holidays. The truth is he is working as a luggage handler at London airport at a very meagre salary. Being an employee of an airline, he gets very cheap air tickets for himself and his family members. They visit their motherland very often. But you can find someone who is very rich and has a share in a big company in UK or USA by completing your dating registration. There are hundreds of very rich people as members at

Wife a Guiding Force for Husband's Success: Related Reading

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Customary Welcome at her New Home is Griha Pravesh

Customary Welcome at her New Home is Griha Pravesh

Mother-in-Law Welcomes Daughter-in-Law on Her Arrival

When daughter-in-Law arrives at her new home, she is welcomed by her mother-in-law with a traditional 'Aarti', a prayer, on Griha Pravesh. She is now a wife and daughter-in-law in her new home. At the entrance, the daughter-in-law is made to put her right foot onto a tray of vermilion powder mixed with water or milk, symbolising the arrival of good fortune and purity. With both her feet now covered in the red powder paste, she kicks over a vessel filled with rice and coins to denote the arrival of fertility and wealth in her marital home. This is one of the customs performed in Hindu wedding. To watch the Griha Pravesh ceremony, enjoy Indian dating to form friendship which may turn into permanent relationship.

Daughter-in-Law's Happiness Brings Prosperity in the Family

On the occasion of Griha Pravesh, her husband is at her side to give her confidence. He consoles her and says that she is the queen of the house and has the same rights here as other members of the family. In Hinduism a woman occupies a high place in society and is given love and high respect. Her happiness at Griha Pravesh brings prosperity and good luck to the family. Her connections with her parents and other members of her family become of secondary value, and she is now more attached with the new family. Complete your own dating registration if you wish to learn more how to get settled in new environments after Griha Pravesh.

Years Tick Away as Usual with a Job and other Home Duties

Days and weeks roll by and the young lady gets used to her new way of life. Being a professional she then finds an executive job in an international company. Her husband and in-laws welcome her joining a good job. All the sweet memories of various ceremonies will come back to her mind in times to come as she watches the DVDs that have been made of the full wedding functions. Her parents back home feel very proud of their daughter's achievement and wish her well.

Customary Welcome at her New Home is Griha Pravesh: Related reading

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Goodbye from Daughter in Tears to Everyone is Vidaai

Goodbye from Daughter in Tears to Everyone is Vidaai

Tears, Distress and Joy at Vidai in Indian Wedding

Vidaai is when the daughter leaves her family home to join her husband and in-laws at their residence. Vidaai, or departure, of the bride is a very touching moment in Hindu wedding for everyone present there. It is now the time when 'barat', i.e. the entire wedding team from the groom's side will take vidaai (permission to depart) to back home along with the bride. She is now leaving for her new home and vidaai is very distressful as it is at this moment that all the previous thoughts run through her mind of the place she was born and brought up, where she had played to grow up from a child to a teenager. She is taking with her all the good lessons taught to her by her parents to be good in housekeeping, cooking and respecting elders. Vidaai after Hindu wedding means her connections with her family now become of secondary value and she must be the pride of the new home, always helping and sharing everything with her husband and be obedient to her in-laws. She is now taking vidaai from her family, leaving her loved ones behind, brothers, sisters, parents and well wishers. Have a friend for dating and friendship before vidaai takes place on ApnaMatch. It is now the duty of her husband and in-laws to look after her welfare and do every thing possible to make her feel comfortable in the new environments.

Tears Out of Love All Around at Vidaai

Vidaai is a distressful part of Hindu wedding, and at this moment of departure, no one can make her stop crying, which is though entirely out of love. Everyone present there, even from the groom's side, also joins in and sheds a few tears. If you have a few tears to shed, be part of vidaai and find a companion for friendship, dating or marriage at ApnaMatch.

Male members of the bride's family bid farewell to the groom by applying the traditional 'tilak' (vermilion) on his forehead and shower him with gifts. In earlier times the bride used to leave in a doli, a palanquin. These days the couple leaves in a decorated car. The groom, his parents and others are happy for the extreme love shown by the bride's side. Now it is their duty to make sure that the new member joining their family gets all the care to feel comfortable in the new environments.

Her parents and family members cannot control two things: free flow of tears on her vidaai and happiness on her joining her husband to start a successful new life of her own. They remember her saying out of ignorance as a small child that she would never leave them and would be with them all her life as she extremely loved them and other members of the family. But, alas, a girl has to go through vidaai in Hindu wedding and leave everyone behind to live with her husband. An Indian girl is considered from day one of her birth to be someone else's property, the very special someone who has been found now. Log on and complete an Indian matrimonial registration to find beautiful brides for life long union.

The male members of the bride's family bid farewell to the groom by applying the traditional 'tilak' (vermilion) on his forehead and shower him with gifts.
In earlier times the bride used to leave in a doli, a palanquin. These days the couple leaves in a car decorated with flowers. After the vidaai of their daughter, a big vacuum gets created in her parents' home, which usually takes some time to fill up.

Goodbye from Daughter in Tears to Everyone is Vidaai: Related Reading

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Goodbye Time with Tears from the Daughter at Doli

Goodbye Time with Tears from the Daughter at Doli

Doli Ceremony a Very Touching Moment in Hindu Wedding

'Doli' or departure of the bride with the groom is a very touching moment in Hindu wedding for everyone present there. Doli is the time when 'barat', i.e. the entire wedding team from the groom's side, will leave along with the bride. She now belongs to someone else, her husband and the other family. It is at this moment of Doli that all the previous memories run through her mind of the place she was born and brought up, where she had played to grow up as a child. She got her education stretching from school, college, university to the parents' special lessons how to be good in housekeeping, cooking and respecting elders. She must be the pride of the new home after Hindu wedding, always helping and sharing everything with her husband and be obedient to in-laws. She is now going to leave her loved ones behind, brothers, sisters, parents and well wishers. Find a friend at ApnaMatch and go and join others at Doli.

Leaving Childhood Memories Behind for a New Future Ahead at Doli

No one can make her stop crying at Doli time, which is though entirely out of love. Everyone present there, maybe from her or groom's side, also joins in to shed a few tears. Her parents and family members cannot control two things, namely tears on her departure and happiness on her joining her husband to start a successful new life. She had her dreams of a wonderful time after marriage which she used to mention during story times to her friends and other members of the family. She is very hopeful that those dreams are going to be fulfilled now. It is now the duty of her husband and in-laws to look after her welfare and do every thing possible to make her feel comfortable in the new environments.
Log onto ApnaMatch for dating and friendship and watch Doli to shed a few tears.

Goodbye Time with Tears from the Daughter at Doli: Related Reading

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Traditional Role of Dowry in Hindu Wedding

The Traditional Role of Dowry in Hindu Wedding

Centuries Old Practice of Dowry in Hindu Wedding

The bride's parents prepare a dowry for their daughter to take with her after the marriage. This is a centuries old practice in a Hindu wedding for the bride's parents to give eligible suitor a dowry. In the times gone by, this was also seen as the insurance against divorce, as the man could keep the dowry, whether property or money, only if the couple remained married. The bride used to be wholly dependent upon her husband after the marriage. Dowry would be seen as means for the husband to look after his wife and give her a happy married life after the Hindu wedding. Find a partner, with or without dowry on ApnaMatch.

Dowry May Consist of Number of Items in Hindu Wedding

The list of items in a dowry can be vast and they range from jewellery to household items like furniture and beddings, etc. You name the item, it may be a part of the dowry. The most expensive items are the gold jewellery. The daughter may not have used them while being single as beautiful artificial jewellery is available in abundance but bride's parents have to do it as it is considered a part of the Hindu wedding. New gold jewellery is ordered for her at her wedding, which are for her ankles, hands, wrist, neck, ears, nose, forehead, head, etc. and gold ring, cufflinks, and wrist watch with gold bracelet for the groom. Then some gold jewellery for bride's mother and father in law, gold rings for groom's brothers and necklaces for his sisters. It is very expensive number of new dresses and sarees for the daughter to take with her for use in years to come, along with some woollen suits, shirts, ties for her husband. Full kitchenware items, including new fridge, cooker, television, etc. are also part of the dowry. Very rich people may also give cash, a car, property or land as part of the dowry. Have your houseful of dowry and visit Laj Marriage Bureau.

The Woman in Herself is a Dowry in Hindu Wedding

It is a real dowry without a material dowry as the woman joining her new family is herself a dowry after Hindu wedding. Let us take it this way. If the woman has been an earning member in her parents' home, they lose an earning member as she is leaving them after Hindu wedding. She joins as an added earning member to her in-laws home, whose income goes up. Not only that, she is always helping and thinking good for her husband and in-laws, looking after the home, particularly the kitchen whenever she can. She will be a good counsellor and helper to her husband's various activities, including his business if he has got one. Whatever he gains is with her added intelligence, cooperation and help.

Wife Shares Legally Everything they Possess as a Couple

In western countries, as I am not aware of the laws in India, even if the wife has been looking after home and children and husband's income or business thrives, she will share a good part of the money so made. In case of divorce, not only maintenance, but a huge portion of his total wealth, including property, shall be taken by her. According to western laws, his wealth has gone up because she has been looking after children and home. And if she has been working with him in his business, then it is equally divided. Treat a wife on equal terms in a nice and loving way, as she will always remain a great asset to her husband. Treat your wife as a true partner who shall always be on side. To get a virtuous wife, visit ApnaMatch and complete your dating registration.

Dowry a Burden on Bride's Parents in Hindu Wedding

For middleclass and poor families, giving a dowry as per customs of Hindu wedding is the biggest burden in daughter's marriage. In certain cases, their whole life savings may not be enough to make a proper dowry and the family may also have to take loans for this purpose.

In certain cases, just a few days before the wedding, the groom's side may dictate how much dowry they want for the wedding to take place. To save their reputation and the wedding to go ahead, the girl's side submit to pressure to their demand for a bigger dowry. In rare cases, the young married lady may be harassed in her married home by her in-laws to bring some extra dowry from her parents. It is contemptible to do this. The custom of dowry is now being viewed as an evil practice in our society which must be eradicated. If you are seeking a Hindu lady of charms and qualities for wedding then complete your Indian matrimonial registration now.

Dowry in Hindu Wedding Banned by Law in India

The government in India has stepped in to stop the misery of ordinary people from giving dowry, and made a law banning the giving or acceptance of a dowry. It is a good step in the right direction. It is now the society's fault that dowry is still being openly given and accepted. The law has not been able to dictate its authority so far. The public has to unite together, stopping altogether the dowry custom. The husband and wife should be equal partners in every respect. Visit ApnaMatch to know more about dowry in Hindu wedding.

On the other hand, a wealthy family takes pride in giving huge dowry even when their daughter is professional and at a good job earning high income, may be more than her husband. It is the occasion these rich people can show their money power derived from their high position in society.

The Traditional Role of Dowry in Hindu Wedding: Related Reading

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Monday, February 22, 2010

The Way Wedding Feast Used to Be Served in Yesteryears

The Way Wedding Feast Used to Be Served in Yesteryears

Most Simple and Basic Indian Wedding Feasts in Times Gone By

In the times gone by, possibly out of your memories, seating arrangements in wedding ceremonies used to be on the ground outside in the tent or on floor inside the house. Straw or jute sheets would be spread with white sheets on them in rows for the 'baratees', the groom's party members, to sit down with their folded legs or in whichever position they would feel comfortable. There were no plates, 'thalis' or other crockery items, as the food used to be served on big fresh palm leaves spread in front of each 'baratee'. Small earthen pots were used for liquid items. That was the accepted norm in those days in a wedding ceremony or a birthday party. As you come across very old things in a museum and like to see more of them, think of having a primitive wedding feast. You will hear more of this from members in ApnaMatch.

What a great surprise and pleasure to know this about a Hindu wedding ceremony in yesteryears! Ask yourself if you would like to attend a wedding dinner this way, sitting on floor and using palm leaves instead of crockery. You may perhaps run miles away from this type of arrangement in these modern times.

Wide Difference Between Past and Present Times

Things have changed now. No one will blame you if you laugh a bit on what and how things used to be done in years gone by. No one will be surprised to know that there were no televisions, aeroplanes or even trains when humanity used to live in peace and prosperity in their times. Now is the time when you can sit comfortably on cushioned chairs and enjoy delicious food which is served in shining and expensive crockery and utensils. To have food of your choice, do an online Indian matrimonial registration and enjoy the company of someone you like most.

The Way Wedding Feast Used to Be Served in Yesteryears: Related Reading

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Delicious Hindu Wedding Dinner

Delicious Hindu Wedding Dinner

Halva Puri and Special Dishes for the Wedding Party

It is now time for the visiting wedding party to have food and drinks. Seating arrangement is superb to make them feel comfortable. The special dishes made for them are served. Halva and Puri are favourite items in the menu. Then there are different expensive dishes prepared for them. Drinks follow as well. Members of the bride side serve drinks and food, making sure every member of the party is satisfied. In rich families, the service is done by well uniformed hotel bearers. Look for your ideal partner and have a good feast by becoming a member of ApnaMatch.

The Couple Eats Together for the First Time as Husband and Wife

Food is prepared as per order. The groom and bride, now turned into husband and wife, eat for the first time together, sitting side by side and sharing the dishes. Their sights are focussed on each other and they are the main attraction in the food hall. A new era has now dawned for them, with obligations and responsibilities for both of them.

Feast Menu from Different Continents Arranged by Rich Families

Rich families make arrangements for special foods and drinks from different continents. Specialist cooks, experts in preparing different foods, are brought in to give the greatest choice to the members of the wedding party. You name the special food you want, and the drink you would like to have, they are there ready to be served. It is all a question of money that flows fast in these types of arrangements. Have fun from picking your date in the comforts from ApnaMatch.

Delicious Hindu Wedding Dinner: Related Reading

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bride Gifted Away to the Groom as Kanya Dan

Bride Gifted Away to the Groom as Kanya Dan

Yogurt and Honey Offered to Groom by Bride's Parents

The word 'Kanya' is for the female, and 'dan' stands for gifting away. Kanya Dan therefore means handing the bride by her father over to the bridegroom after the Hindu wedding. This Kanya Dan custom is prevalent in some other religions also, though under different names. The bride's parents perform a worship of the groom. The groom is offered honey and yoghurt, signifying sweetness and coolness in dealings with the bride. Have a gift of a bride or to join a groom by registering with ApnaMatch.

Promises Made by Groom for Dharma, Artha and Kama

It is here that 'kanyadan' or offering is made by bride's father and accepted by the groom. At Kanya Dan ceremony, the bride's father says to the groom, "I give you my daughter in marriage, promise to be moderate in observance of Dharma, Artha and Kama." The groom touched the bride's right shoulder with his right hand and promises to protect and maintain her dignity with love, to appreciate her merits and forgive her shortcomings. The groom accepts and grasps the hand of the bride and promises to be her saviour and well wisher.

If you are looking for a good husband who promises Dharma, Artha and Kama, go to Laj Marriage Bureau.

Groom and Bride Become Husband and Wife after Kanya Dan

The couple now recites the following verse, as directed by the priest, "Let all present here know that our hearts have mingled together like water. Let breath, let God and the Goddess of learning keep us joined." All those present in the mandap, specially the relatives from both sides, say, "God has made you husband and wife, and may God give you both a long, happy, healthy and fruitful life." Flowers are showered over the couple. Parents and relatives from both sides embrace each other in happiness. Create your own Indian matrimonial registration to become husband and wife.

Bride Gifted Away to the Groom as Kanya Dan: Related Reading

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Saptapadi is Saat Phere Around the Sacred Agni

Saptapadi is Saat Phere Around the Sacred Agni

Seven Promises to be Fulfilled in Married Life at Septapadi

Saptapadi stands for 'saat phere', which means seven circles around the fire. With their clothing ends tied firmly, the groom and the bride circle the holy fire seven times, making seven promises to be fulfilled in the married life, after which they are considered to be married to each other. This ritual is called saptapadi. Traditionally, there were three phere. But now this has been mixed with saptapadi (seven steps) and, therefore, seven phere are done, one for each "vachan" or promise.They walk around 'agni' in circles, seven times to complete saptapadi. Agni, i.e. fire, is considered a witness to the vows they make to each other. The bridegroom makes seven vows of dharma, artha and kama and the bride promises to support him in fulfilling his vows. First the bride leads three times, and then the bridegroom four times, completing these seven steps, i.e. saptapadi around 'agni'. The priest is reciting the sermons to bless the couple. The priest is busy explaining the importance of each step during saptapadi. They then bend down to touch the feet of their parents to have their blessings, who in return wish the newly wed couple all the best with lots of love. Visit ApnaMatch to perform saptapadi to become united for ever.

The saptapadi or seven vows:
  • May the couple be blessed always with food
  • May the couple be healthy and full of energy
  • May the couple be blessed with ideals of Vedas for prosperity
  • May the couple be blessed with happiness
  • May the couple be blessed with (obedient) children
  • May the couple have all the seasons beneficial to them
  • May the couple always be successful in life and be the best of friends

Companions Forever After Sat Phere

Having exchanged these vows of love, duty, respect, fidelity and a fruitful union by performing saat phere, the couple become companions forever. The memories of this process of saat phere will always remind them of the vows taken, which have to be fulfulled to the end.

In north Indian Hindu wedding, the bride and the groom say the following words, as directed by the priest, after completing saptapadi:

"We have taken the Seven Steps. You have become mine for ever. Yes, we have become life-partners. I have become yours. Hereafter, I cannot live without you. Do not live without me. Let us share the joys."

Meet a Hindu partner after saptapadi to become inseperable life-partners by registering here.

Saptapadi is Saat Phere Around the Sacred Agni

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Granthabandhan the Sacred Wedlock in Hindu Wedding

Granthabandhan the Sacred Wedlock in Hindu Wedding

The Knot and Phere around Agni Make the Couple Inseparable

In this ritual the priest ties a knot using the ends of the clothings worn by the bride and groom. The priest ties the end of the groom's dhoti or the kurta; whichever he is wearing, with that of the bride's veil or saree corner. The knot signifies the sacred wedlock. The bride and groom take phere (circles) around the 'agni' with the knot holding firm. The knot, or granthabandhan, signifies that the two have become inseparable and will always stay together for the rest of their lives. Visit and ApnaMatch to tie the knot with someone of your liking.

Insepararable Union of Two Souls in Good and Bad Times

The tight knot signifies the union of two souls who henceforth will always stay together. Whatever they plan or execute, they will do with their shared views and intelligence. They will be together in their good and bad times. They will be cooperating with each other to gain prosperity and high achievements in life. From here onwards, for the man there will not be another woman, and for the woman, no other man. Sacred vows and phere (circles) are for a life long union, sharing the joys and sorrows, accomplishments and failures of life, and to share the common goals and reach them together. Start the process of finding life long union partners by clicking here.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sindhur and Bindi A Sign of Love for Husband

Sindhur and Bindi A Sign of Love for Husband

Sindhur and Mangalasutra Signify the Lady is Married

Sindhur or Vermilion powder is put by hand on the forehead in the parting of the bride's hair and the bridegroom also puts 'mangalasutra', a necklace of gold with beads, round her neck and wishes her good fortune, love and affection. Sindhur or the vermilion powder and 'mangalasutra' signify that the lady is married and her husband is healthy. These two acts are performed by the bridegroom in Mandap at the time of Hindu wedding ceremony. After the marriage, the lady does these things herself. To have a bride with mangalasutra, visit Laj Marriage Bureau.

Married ladies take pride in applying Sindhur in the parting of hair on the forehead every day like a make up. That signifies their married status and it also shows their love towards their husbands. Sindhur is red in colour and its fragrance is very appealing.

Bindi Dots Also Available in various Ornamental Designs

In addition to Sindhur, ladies also apply or wear a bindi, which is a forehead decoration worn in India and abroad. It is a dot of red colour applied in the centre of the forehead close to the eyebrows. But it can also consist of a sign or piece of jewellery worn at this location.

These days, majority of ladies use pieces of jewellery as Bindi. Self adhesive bindis or sticker bindis in different colours and designs are also in fashion in India and around the world. Fancier sticker bindis are decorated with sequins or glass beads or rhinestones. Sindhur and mangalasutra are the prides of a Hindu married woman and you can find one by doing a dating search.

Sindhur and Bindi A Sign of Love for Husband: Related reading

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mandap the Religious Temple

Mandap the Religious Temple

Mandap the Sacred place for Hindu Wedding Ceremonies

Mandap is a specially created and decorated place for the bride and groom to complete the Hindu wedding ceremonies. Mandap is like a small temple, a canopy that is supported by four pillars which are adored in red and golden colours. This may be decorated with flowers, leaves, buntings, lights, hanging bells, etc. to make it look attractive.

Mandap is a sacred place where religious rituals are performed, from beginning to the end, to complete the Hindu wedding ceremony. It is the main stage for the Hindu wedding function, where vows are exchanged in the presence of 'agni' the sacred fire, and all those present inside and around the mandap. To have religious ceremonies performed in the Mandap, be a member of Laj Marriage Bureau.

Agni the Sacred Witness in Mandap

The groom is offered the seat of honour facing east in the mandap. The bride joins the groom there. Her relatives and friends accompany her when she enters mandap. She sits next to the groom. Parents and near relatives from both sides occupy prestigious seats. Other relatives and friends sit inside or around the mandap to participate in the proceedings. In the middle is 'agni', the sacred fire which is kept burning throughout the proceedings. In Hindu wedding, 'Agni' is the chief witness to the vows which will be taken by the bride and groom to become wife and husband.

Mandap Memories Will Enhance Couple's affection in Years to Come

In years to come, mandap will always be remembered by wife and husband, the very idea of which will bring memories of the vows taken and exchanged between them at their wedding. That memory will enhance love and affection between them.

Mandap can be created or erected wherever you like, inside or outside the house, but its religious and cultural sanctity stays the same. Ready made mandap structure with all its decorations can be easily hired for the day, and is abundantly available everywhere in different designs.

The priest plays his main part in mandap where he remains busy throughout the ceremony, reciting and explaining the meanings of various Sanskrit mantras to take forward the religious part of the Hindu wedding. To bring back sweet memories in the years to come, read what other people have to say about Mandap and try some online dating to find a partner for dating leading to wedding.

Mandap the Religious Temple: Related reading

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Jaimala and Realisation of Three Goals by the Groom in Wedding

Jaimala and Realisation of Three Goals by the Groom in Wedding

Jaimala Ceremony performed in Mandap in Hindu Wedding

Jaimala or varmala is the occasion when the groom and bride exchange garlands. The groom is led to a specially created place, a small temple which is well decorated and known as mandap. In a Hindu wedding, the Jaimala ceremony takes place in the mandap. There the groom is greeted by the bride's family. The bride arrives in mandap in the company of her relations and friends to start the proceedings with the Jaimala function. The bride and the groom are handed a garland each, while the priest is chanting the religious hymns. The groom and bride then exchange the garlands (var male or jai mala), signifying their acceptance of each other as husband and wife. Luckily people can go online for indian matrimonial registration when searching for the true partner.

Garlanding Someone Makes Them Important

Garlanding someone is to welcome them and give them honour on their arrival. One must have seen the political leaders being garlanded. A special person of importance in the educational field may be garlanded by the principal on their arrival in a school or college to deliver a lecture on a subject of extreme significance. Or in a procession, the leading figures of agitation may be garlanded. It enhances the importance of the person who has been garlanded. Be a member of ApnaMatch by doing your dating registration to become an important person and be garlanded by others.

Promise of Realisation of Three Goals by the Groom in the Mandap

The meanings of the hymns recited by the priest at Jaimala ceremony in Hindu wedding are: The bride says, "My dear, I accept you my future husband with this garland."
Bridegroom says, "May this garland bring you good fortune and enable you to become my wife."

As a condition for offering his daughter for marriage, the father of the bride asks for a promise from the groom for assisting the bride in realising the three goals:
  • dharma
  • artha
  • and kama

The groom makes the promises by repeating three times that he will not fail the bride in realising dharma, artha and kama. This is how the Jaimala ceremony takes place. People present shower flowers and petels to bless the couple for their eternal love and prosperity in times to come. To fulfill the three goals of dharma, artha and kama, visit ApnaMatch and know more about them.

Jaimala and Realisation of Three Goals by the Groom in Wedding: Related Reading

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Priest for Wedding in Other Religions

Priest for Wedding in Other Religions

Priest Presence Important in Various Religions

Since time immemorial, priest and priestess have been known to perform functions and rites in various religions. They are needed in all or some branches of Judaism, Christianity, Shintoism, Hinduism, and many other religions as well, and are generally regarded as having good knowledge about the deities of the religion to which they subscribe. They often interpret the meaning of events and perform the rituals of that religion. People often turn to priest or priestess for advice on spiritual matters. Log on to ApnaMatch for dating and friendship.

Majority of Priests Inherit Priesthood from their Ancestors

A priest or priestess is a person having the authority or power to administer religious rites. In simple terms, a person whose office it is to perform religious rites is a priest. In addition, a priest is the person authoritatively appointed to do homage to God in the name of society. The majority of them inherit priesthood from their ancestors who had themselves been priests. Most of them hold a full time job. In other cases, they can perform a part-time role as well. Register with ApnaMatch to hear from a part time priest.

The priest or priestess is the minister of Divine worship. There are two kinds of priests in the Church: diocesan and religious. Religious priests serve a religious order and make three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Diocesan priests commit to serve a diocese and make two promises of celibacy and obedience. Priests serve in parishes as well as chaplains of hospitals, prisons, and schools.

Priest for Wedding in Other Religions: Related Reading

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Priest Performs Various Ceremonies in Hindu Wedding

Priest Performs Various Ceremonies in Hindu Wedding

Hindu Priests Perform Religious Ceremonies in Hindu Wedding

A priest's presence in Hindu wedding is very important. Various ceremonies cannot be performed without a priest. He is the expert in chanting Sanskrit mantras, sermons, and guide members of both the families to chant after him.

Male Brahmin Priest Recites Mantras and Explains Their Meanings

A male Hindu Brahmin priest is present all the time to perform various ceremonies, directing the groom, bride, parents and other family members from both sides to follow his directions to perform certain religious rites. It has been an established practice that the priest should be a male Brahmin. The priest plays the most important part in completing all the ceremonies, explaining their meaning and importance step by step. When one mentions about a priest for a Hindu wedding, the thoughts automatically go for a male Brahmin priest. You too can hear sermons from a Hindu Brahmin priest by registrating with ApnaMatch.

Some Families Welcome a Non Brahmin Priest in Hindu wedding

Some families welcome a non-Brahmin male priest in Hindu wedding ceremonies. According to them, all that matters is that the person should have some knowledge of the Vedas and Sanskrit mantras. Alternatively, he can be anyone who can read and recite some mantras from the books, which are quite handy and easily available.

Main Ceremonies Held in Mandap in Hindu Wedding

In the specially erected Mandap, a venue where most of the ceremonies in Hindu wedding take place, not much can happen without a priest. It is here that the bride and groom garland each other and offer worship to the god Ganesha. The priest then gives a little water from a utensil in their right hands which is sipped to signify the purification of the soul. Water is sprinkled to purify the 'mandap' and is used frequently during the ceremony to bless the couple. Incense and camphor are burnt and waved in circles before the deity. Each of these acts has a special meaning, like sprinkling of water and sipping it suggesting purification of the surroundings and the peoples' minds. One thing important is that everybody should be bare footed in Mandap during a Hindu wedding. For the services of a male priest for a quick wedding ceremony, you may go to Laj Marriage Bureau.

Priest Performs Various Ceremonies in Hindu Wedding: Related Reading

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Milini or Milani a Welcome Meeting

Milini or Milani a Welcome Meeting

Bride and Family Welcome Groom and Party on Their Arrival

Milini or milani is the first ceremony after the arrival of the Hindu wedding party. There will be other ceremonies which will follow. Milini or Milani is the occasion when the members of the Hindu wedding party arrive at the bride's place. They are welcomed by the bride's parents, relatives and friends. In other words, it is the meeting between the groom and bride's parties that we call milini or milani. The bride, her parents and relatives are waiting to welcome and meet the wedding procession that arrives with groom riding a horse, elephant or car. This is the welcoming ceremony for the wedding party. To become a member, visit ApnaMatch and do a dating registration to have a companion for dating and friendship.

Garlands and Gifts for the Groom and Party at Milini or Milani

The bride's father is the first to greet and garland the groom's father at Milini. Some relatives are introduced from both sides who then greet and garland each other. For example, a brother from one side greets and garlands the brother from the other side, 'mamaji' and other uncles from one side greet and garland their counterparts from the other side, and so on. At Milini, members from the bride's side give presents to the groom's side. This system of giving presents in a Hindu wedding is usually one way only, from bride to groom's members. Groom's members receive the gifts, usually cash packed in envelops, just with a smile. This has always been the accepted practice. Have a fun in your spare time from ApnaMatch.

There are various types of garlands in use on different occasions. These are made of flowers, tinsel, bead, etc. But the garlands (var malas or jai malas) which the bride and groom exchange are specially made, are expensive, have religious significance and their exchange means the groom and bride have accepted each other as life-partners.

Now the bridegroom and his parents are the chief guests at milini. The bride's mother welcomes the bridegroom to bless him by applying a 'Tilak', a mark on his forehead which is made from sandal wood or turmeric. All present guests shower flowers over him as a mark of good luck. Know more about milini or milani at Laj Marriage Bureau.

Milini or Milani a Welcome Meeting: Related Reading

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sharing of Expenses Discussed by Groom and Bride

Sharing of Expenses Discussed by Groom and Bride

Relief for Bride When Families Share Hindu Wedding Expenses

Things have changed now and the Hindu wedding ceremony normally finishes same or even in half a day. In certain marriages, even the party expenses are shared between the groom and bride. Education standards have gone up, whereby ladies are equally or in many cases more qualified than their male partners. They now usually discuss beforehand about the arrangements, formalities and the expenses to be incurred. That is a great relief for brides' parents of ordinary or middle class families who otherwise are supposed to bear the entire bill as per customs coming down from centuries past. One should feel sympathy with the bride and family who, in addition to giving expensive dowry, have to bear all other expenses also. Join Laj Marriage Bureau for a partner who believes in sharing and be equal in all matters.

Modern Time Educated Partners Talk of Equality in Hindu Wedding

It is a good idea to share the expenses as the marriage is between two people and why should only one pay for the bills. The old established custom should be looked into and people should willingly come forward to share the expenses. It is like two persons travelling, each buying their own ticket, or sharing the total expenses incurred. It is very common in western countries where the total expenses are shared between the bride and the groom. If you believe in this idea then complete your dating registration for compatible partners.

Sharing of Expenses Discussed by Groom and Bride: Related Reading

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Same Day Wedding in Modern Way of Fast Lifestyle

Same Day Wedding in Modern Way of Fast Lifestyle

Pick and Choose Ceremonies for Same Day Hindu Wedding

In the generations gone by, a Hindu wedding used to last for many days, sometimes three to five days. It was a tremendous burden upon the bride's family to look after the groom and his entire party all that time, providing accommodation, food, drinks and other hospitalities. It was like a daytime robbery.

A modern Hindu wedding sometimes does not involve all of the rituals of the traditional ceremonies to shorten the time for a quick finish. Certain ceremonies are chosen and picked by the bride and groom's families and the priest performs them accordingly. You can also have a same day wedding by registrating here..

Time has changed and so has the way a Hindu wedding ceremony takes place. Modern Hindu wedding sometimes does not involve all the rituals of the traditional ceremonies. In this modern fast lifestyle and busy environments, certain ceremonies are chosen and picked by the the bride and the groom's families and the priest performs them accordingly. Visit ApnaMatch for an alliance.

Same Day Wedding in Modern Way of Fast Lifestyle: Related Reading

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